When working with active_record, you often need to establish if a row exists to see if you can do operations against it. Here is an interesting technique when checking if objects or relations exist in a collection.

Many developers use the present? method, but this is bad practice, because it performs a standard SELECT query against your table which, relative to a count, is very slow.

# SELECT id FROM `posts` WHERE ("posts".blog_id = 1)

The better trick would be to use the exits? method to more efficiently determine if a record exists since it just has to return a number instead of a large collection of objects

# SELECT id FROM `posts` WHERE ("posts".blog_id = 1) LIMIT 1

Alternatively, if you know you are going to need the object later, it is better to just load exactly what you need and use it later:

if blog.posts.length > 0
# SELECT id FROM `posts` WHERE ("posts".blog_id = 1)
  # No query

If you had done a exists or a count on the post, then you would have to run back to the database to fetch the rest of the objects. While this is more memory intensive, it can be much faster technique.